Khagendra New Life Home is the continuation of Ryder Cheshire Home that was established in 1983 with the cooperation of Ryder Cheshire Foundation, England and Nepal Disabled Association. Sadly, Ryder Cheshire Foundation was unable to continue it’s funding from 2003 on. Since then the home has struggled to support and care for it’s long term residents who have too severe disabilities to be managed at home (in some cases no home or family at all).

Some of it’s residents come from a very poor family background and will need support for their whole life. These are truly needy people who would otherwise have nowhere to go. The residents suffer from a wide variety of conditions.  Some have suffered from genetic conditions or problems during childbirth, such as cerebral palsy. Others have been disabled by accidents or suffered from diseases like polio and many have had a spinal injury.  In many cases they were not able to afford treatment or other rehabilitative measures before coming to Khagendra.

Khagendra admits new residents on a self-funding basis, which means they pay for basic food and lodging costs themselves or they have sponsors. Other costs are met by sponsors, fundraising and Volunteer work.


Many of their former residents have left us to live full and independent lives, with careers or businesses, taking part in family life, and enjoying sports and normal social activities.

How did we help

Khagendra has been a home for many disabled people who have been outcasted from their families and society. This organization have been a pillar of support for the disabled people with treatment and rehabilitation services, training and education, employment, standard lifestyle and human rights.

With a little support from the government of Nepal, residents survive thanks to volunteer donations. Silent Voices supported this organization by raising capital to purchase a full solar panel, improving the resident’s quality of care during the frequent power outage impacting the area. We also raised funds for a multi-year care sponsorship for Saraswoti and Kumari, two helpless mentally disabled girls abandoned by their parents.
