In the backlands of Brazil, 12 million people live with less than half the amount of water recommended by the United Nations. Of particular concern is the city of Manari in the Pernambuco Drought Polygon, which has one of the lowest levels of life expectancy in Brazil.


Sitio das Baixas (rural Manari) is home to 113 families living in precarious conditions and suffering the catastrophic effects of chronic drought that brings water scarcity and socio-economic constraints. The community faces a daily choice between walking several hours to find clean water or using filthy water to drink.

How did we help?

To change this inhuman reality Silent Voices partnered with Ação Solidaria no Sertão, a NGO founded with the primary aim of helping to eradicate hunger and poverty in the backlands of Pernambuco (Brazil),  to drill a water well and provide clean water access to these families.  This one-time effort created long-lasting transformative effects for a community living in precarious conditions and promoted social and economic development for the rural communities of this municipalities.